



Make a difference in the lives of youth by volunteering. Your support guides them toward new paths in our Seed to Plate, Conservation, and Building Trades Programs

Are you passionate about making a difference in the lives of foster care, homeless, and under-resourced youth? Consider volunteering with Build Trybe! As a volunteer, you’ll have the opportunity to become a mentor and positively impact the lives of young individuals by guiding them towards new trade paths in culinary, horticulture, and building trades. Whether you have expertise in these fields or simply a desire to support and encourage others, your time and dedication can truly make a difference. Join us in creating a supportive and nurturing environment where youth can thrive and discover their own unique paths to success. Together, we can empower the next generation and build a brighter future for our community.


At Build Trybe, our mentorship program cultivates one-on-one connections with youth, encouraging mentors to spend quality time with their mentees at least twice a month. Being a mentor is transformative for both mentor and mentee—it’s not just rewarding, it’s life-changing.

At Build Trybe, our mentorship program is all about fostering meaningful, healthy, one-on-one connections with youth. Mentors are encouraged to spend quality time with their mentee at least twice a month, providing a reliable and supportive presence in their lives. Being a mentor isn’t just rewarding—it’s a transformative experience for both mentor and mentee alike! Join us in making a difference in the lives of our youth.


By commissioning from us, you receive hand-crafted pieces and directly support our apprentices’ growth. Your purchase helps provide our youth with valuable vocational skills, real-world experience, and the confidence to pursue a brighter future. Every commission contributes to their education and development, empowering more youth to find their path and succeed.

Support the next generation of skilled craftsmen and make a positive impact on their lives. 



Partner with us at Build Trybe to support disadvantaged youth and benefit your organization. Together, we’ll create positive change and build a brighter future. Join us in making a meaningful difference.

Partnering with us at Build Trybe offers a unique opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of youth in need while also benefiting your organization or business. By collaborating with Build Trybe, you’re not only contributing to the empowerment and success of foster care, homeless, and under-resourced youth but also gaining access to a dedicated and motivated pool of talent. Our partnerships foster community connections, promote social responsibility, and create a positive impact that extends beyond individual programs. Together, we can build stronger communities, support youth development, and inspire positive change. Join us in making a meaningful difference and building a brighter future for all.

Are you looking for ways to invest in the future of our youth and contribute to the growth of our community? Become a financial partner with Build Trybe and make a lasting impact on the lives of foster care, homeless, and under-resourced youth. Your support enables us to provide valuable skill-building programs in culinary, horticulture, and building trades, empowering young individuals to achieve success in their chosen fields. By partnering with us, you’re not just investing in programs—you’re investing in the potential and future success of these youth. Join us in creating brighter opportunities and building a stronger community together.

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